ZEOZ: A Voice Driven Market to Connect Buyers & Sellers

Digital auction and e-commerce markets in Pakistan and across the globe have seen strong growth in the last decade or so and whilst many companies are still hoping to tap this lucrative market, ZEOZ has entered as a dark horse and unique player.

ZEOZ looked at the current scene in Pakistan regarding online shopping and developed what it and many others believe is a game changing tool for people who value trade.
Its solution? A voice driven application for buyers and sellers to connect and exchange information in local dialect using easy voice messaging services to save time in finding local buyers and sellers.

For buyers, ZEOZ lets you choose what you need without having to search the web, phone directory or any contact list for that matter. Record a voice message and have results instantly appear as local sellers hear your request and reply using the app.

For sellers, ZEOZ is a unique opportunity to communicate directly with local business to advertise goods and services sold almost the moment a search is performed by the buyer.
Since concept and design, the company developing the smartphone application has moved through several phases of research, design and development before bringing it to market for us to see.
Over the course of its development, the service provided by the app has been compared by early adopters in the US, UK and Gulf to existing ‘search methodologies’, virtual assistant services like ‘Google Now’, ‘Siri’, ‘Cortana’ and even the likes of ‘Uber’ in its advent but what the company has decided is to anchor in the online auction and e-commerce space.
For Pakistan, this is the first time voice services are being provided in the e-commerce sector; inquiring about the available services near you can be done through sending a simple voice message.
It is important to note that the company is reaching out to all Pakistani businessmen at home and abroad to sign up as a seller of goods and services in their area of expertise no matter what domain.
Companies, Commerce Chambers, Economic Professors and Govt. officials wanting to learn more about the business plan, disruption and application of digital currency are welcome to write to hellopk@zeoztheapp.com for further information.
The application has also passed multiple phases of testing and is ready to stress test with a larger user base across the country.
When compared to other services, ZEOZ provides a much effective approach which is beneficial for both buyers and sellers; the increase in communication increases the chance of more sales thus resulting in a number of customers dealt.

How Does It Work?

The working of the ZEOZ service is simple; it acts as a third party and connects the service providers with the users seeking those particular services.


Suppose you are out of town and looking to get a haircut. What do you do? Here are the following steps:
  • Get the app ZEOZ available at Apple and Google Play.
  • Create an account.
  • Choose area where you require service and see services in a 20km area.
  • Select from trending services or your favorites list to pick your hairdresser.
  • Send a voice message stating what you seek e.g. availability and costs.
  • View a list of listed hairdressers.
  • Have 1 or many reply.
  • Negotiate a time and visit the shop to get your haircut in your allocated time slot.
Time sensitive services such as requiring blood on urgent basis is what sets ZEOZ apart. Instead of Googling a blood banks contact information and then waiting for them to pick up, you can broadcast a message saying how much blood you require and all the blood banks near you will respond. You can then select one bank and visit to pick up the blood units of your requirement, as per the agreed terms through the ZEOZ application with the blood bank.
Similar steps need to be followed if you are looking for something more pleasant such as a nice cup of coffee. The coffee shops in your vicinity will respond you with their offers from which you can select.
Other things you will find:
  1. A map with all local business listed in a radius of 20 km.
  2. Local trends, favorite sellers and new options available to pre-order.
  3. Facility to ask local sellers what’s new and make reservations from wherever you are.
  4. Instant results of targeted local sellers with business name, website, description, rating, distance and online status.
  5. User profiles with options to hear reviews.
  6. Rate services and add reviews for others to hear.
  7.  Voice messaging services.
  8.  Free calls to local business online (where conditions allow)


Often small businesses are overshadowed by larger companies with greater advertising and marketing budgets. ZEOZ provides a fair opportunity to all the people looking to promote their ventures. From a house keeper to home delivery service, everyone can enlist their services.
While there are no charges for the buyers, sellers of goods and service providers will be required to pay a fee (subject to change) to connect with buyers to promote and offer their services.
For services not found or listed, you will need to contact local ZEOZ management via the app.
For the seller’s section, the company writes:
  1. Option to sign us as a seller to engage with local trade immediately.
  2. A business to business local advertising and marketing platform.
  3. Free calling with prospective buyers.
  4. Seller account options to target select markets with services and products for sale.
  5. Favorites list of people you work with direct or rely upon for services from anywhere in the world. For example, car traders, estate agents, travel operators and freelancers.
  6. Bonus credit for connecting with local business.
  7. Revision to user interface based on seller feedback.
To end, ZEOZ brings a unique proposition to the economy and stands to challenge new and existing auction and e-commerce ecosystems. The human element is simply a bonus to search technology.
Disclaimer: The next phase of application testing requires a much larger user base and if any faults are found, you are invited to leave comments with Pro Pakistani for Team Z or direct back to the feedback section of the ZEOZ application.