Is Google adding "Next/Previous" Text To Your Page Titles?

If Google is rewriting your titles in search results by adding "Next" , "Prev" or "Previous" text before your webpage titles then know that you have mistakenly added rel="Next" , rel="Prev" or rel="Previous" attributes to links in an un-paginated page on your blog or website. Since blogosphere today is saturated with several new content creators and designers who are developing...

AdSense: Difference Between Page RPM and Impression RPM

If you have spent any amount of time working with advertisements - especially Google AdSense - you will be familiar with the two terms: Page RPM and Impression RPM. Google AdSense is a very popular advertisement program that works on either a per-click or per-impression based model, and you often come across terms such as CTR, CPC, CPM, RPM, and so on. Today, we'll talk about...

WebTextTool: How I Get Best Keyword Suggestions?

Customer WebTextTool review on how it gives us best keyword suggestions & optimize our blog posts in real-time to rank higher in Google search. Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai Out of every 10 clients who approach us for SEO auditing services, 8 find it difficult to understand how to do keyword research, how to get quality...

Why Should You Start Building A Facebook Group?

For many individuals and businesses, Facebook has been the go-to place for creating hype and marketing content on social media. And because of its sheer user base and because audience likes to associate with a brand socially before engaging, it is safe to say that Facebook Pages became the de-facto standard for businesses operating in the social playground. But over the past...

10 Ways To Stop Google From Changing Page Titles

You might have seen the annoying habit of Google to rewrite your <Title> tags in Search results. This algorithm has effected publishers from all platforms. All BlogSpot and WordPress blogs have their page titles replaced with different keywords. Sometimes Google could even add your homepage URL to the end of a title tag. Just recently we observed the Home Title of our...

Stop all Internal Links From Opening In New Window

In 2013 we shared a script snippet that helped you to automatically open all external links in a new browser window. That script received great feedback and we thought to further enhance it. Today's jquery script will prevent internal links containing the attribute target="_blank" from opening in a new tab. It will open all links inside a new window except internal links....

Font Awesome Shortcodes � Add Icons Easily!

Introduction of Shortcodes Plugin for Blogger blogs was our biggest contribution to Blogspot community last year and to make sure we continue providing free support and development to the plugin, we are releasing some new shortcodes to make your content writing hobby even more worthwhile in 2016. Today we are releasing Font Awesome Icons Shortcodes, that will help you add...